Page Blobs

Optimized for random read and write options

Page Blobs are optimized for random read and write options. Page Blobs are ideal for scenarios that require the ability to overwrite a random small segment at a known address, like storing index-based and sparse data structures. Page blobs can be accessed through REST protocol or attached to a VM to support disk traffic as Unmanaged Disks.

Pricing Details

General Purpose v2 provides access to the latest Azure storage features, including Cool and Archive storage, with pricing optimized for the lowest GB storage prices. These accounts provide access to Block Blobs, Page Blobs, Files, and Queues.

We also support three additional page blob types that require you to deploy with Blob Tier set explicitly. If you deploy the page blob or unmanaged disks only specifying the target size, it will be rounded up to the supported page blob types listed in the table above.

*The following prices are tax-inclusive.

*Monthly pricing estimates are based on 744 hours of usage per month.
P4 P6 P15
Disk Size 32 GB 64 GB 256 GB
Price per month ¥ 47.53 ¥ 91.9 ¥ 254.86
IOPS per Page Blob 120 240 1,100
Throughput per Page Blob 25 MB/second 50 MB/second 125 MB/second

The pricing of screenshots is charged at the rate of ¥ 2.35/GB for LRS or ¥1.34/GB for ZRS per month.

Data storage prices for Standard Page Blobs

*The following prices are tax-inclusive.

Local Redundant Storage (LRS) Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) Read/Access Geo-Redundant Storage (RA-GRS)
¥ 0.4579/GB ¥ 0.6106/GB ¥ 0.7632/GB

1 1 TB = 1,024 GB

Operations prices for Page Blobs used as Unmanaged Disks

We charge per 10,000 transactions for Standard Page Blobs attached to VM and used as Unmanaged Disks. Any type of operation against against Unmanaged Disks is counted as a transaction including reads, writes, and deletes.


Per 10,000 transactions ¥0.0051

Operations prices for Page Blobs (Non-disks)

Page Blob transactions that are not performed through a VM are billed on a per-transaction basis. For each transaction, a single operation is billed as either a write, a read, or a delete operation. If a read or write transaction is larger than 64 KB, an additional read or write input/output (IO) is billed for each additional 64 KB, up to a maximum of 15 IOs per transaction. If the transaction is larger than 1 MB [64 KB x (1 transaction + 15 IOs)], no further IOs will be charged, regardless of the size of the transaction.

*The following prices are tax-inclusive.

Local Redundant Storage (LRS) Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) Read/Access Geo-Redundant Storage (RA-GRS)
Write operations 1 (per 10,000) ¥0.0153 ¥0.3053 ¥0.3053
Write additional IO units (per 10,000) ¥0.0237 ¥0.0474 ¥0.0474
Read operations 2 (per 10,000) ¥0.0153 ¥0.0153 ¥0.0153
Read additional IO units (per 10,000) ¥0.0017 ¥0.0017 ¥0.0017
Delete operations Free Free Free
1 The following API calls are considered write operations: AbortCopyBlob, AppendBlock, BreakBlobLease, BreakContainerLease, ChangeBlobLease, ChangeContainerLease, CopyBlob, CreateContainer, IncrementalCopyBlob, PutBlob, PutGeoMessage, PutGeoRepairMessageMeasurementEvent, PutGeoVerificationMessageMeasurementEvent, PutPage, SetBlobMetadata, SetBlobProperties, SetBlobServiceProperties, SetContainerACL, SetContainerMetadata, SnapshotBlob, and UndeleteBlob.

2 The following API calls are considered read operations: AcquireBlobLease, AcquireContainerLease, BlobPreflightRequest, GeoBootstrap, GetBlob, GetBlobLeaseInfo, GetBlobMetadata, GetBlobProperties, GetBlobServiceProperties, GetBlobServiceStats, GetBlockList, GetContainerACL, GetContainerMetadata, GetContainerProperties, GetCopyInformation, GetEncryptionKey, GetPageRegions, ReleaseBlobLease, ReleaseContainerLease, RenewBlobLease, and RenewContainerLease.

General Purpose v1 enables access to Block Blobs, Page Blobs, Files, Queues, and Tables—offering our lowest transaction prices but with higher storage prices. General Purpose v1 accounts do not provide access to Cool and Archive storage.

Premium Page Blobs prices

Premium Non-Managed Disk, a high-performance storage based on a solid state drive (SSD), aims to support I/O intensive workloads through extremely large throughput and extremely low delay. With the help of Premium Non-Managed Disk, we can set permanent disk and configure its size and performance characteristics.

The total expenses of Premium Non-Managed Disk depends on the disk size and quantity, and is subjected to the data transfer . The disk size provides different input/output operations per second (IOP), throughput limit and monthly pricing per GB. We can select necessary options most appropriate to applications, including storage size, IOP and throughput. We can add several permanent disks onto the VM and configure at most 64 TB storage space to every VM. The disk throughput of every VM can reach up to 80,000 (number of input/output operations per second) and 1600 MB/second, with a read delay of less than 1 millisecond. Premium Non-Managed Disk is supported by the sizes of the DS Series, DSv2 Series and FS Series VMs exclusively used for Premium Disk. The pricing and billing standards of DS Series VMs are the same as the D Series VMs.

*The following prices are tax-inclusive.

*Monthly pricing estimates are based on 744 hours of usage per month.
PAGE BLOB TYPES P10 P20 P30 P40 P50 P60 1
Disk sizes 128 GB 512 GB 1 TB 2 TB 4 TB 8 TB
Monthly pricing ¥171.79526 ¥638.20692 ¥1,178.17622 ¥2,257.88056 ¥4,319.42368 ¥8,246.17248
IOPS per Page Blob 500 2,300 5,000 7,500 7,500 7,500
Throughput per Page Blob 100 MB /second 150 MB /second 200 MB /second 250 MB /second 250 MB /second 250 MB /second
PAGE BLOB TYPES P10 P20 P30 P40 P50 P60 1 P70 P80
Disk sizes 128 GB 512 GB 1 TB 2 TB 4 TB 8 TB 128 GB 512GB
Monthly pricing ¥ 132.15 ¥ 490.93 ¥ 906.29 ¥ 1,736.83 ¥ 3,322.63 ¥ 6,343.21 ¥62,521 ¥125,042
IOPS per Page Blob 500 2,300 5,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 18,000 20,000
Throughput per Page Blob 100 MB /second 150 MB /second 200 MB /second 250 MB /second 250 MB /second 250 MB /second 750 MB /second 900 MB /second
There are no transaction costs for Premium Page Blobs. Your Premium Page Blob is charged based on the lowest type that supports your target size.
1 Azure does not support attaching P60, P70 and P80 as a disk to VMs at this time. P60, P70 and P80 are only supported as Page Blobs accessible through REST.

We also support three additional page blob types that require you to deploy with Blob Tier set explicitly. If you deploy the page blob or unmanaged disks only specifying the target size, it will be rounded up to the supported page blob types listed in the table above.

*The following prices are tax-inclusive.

*Monthly pricing estimates are based on 744 hours of usage per month.
P4 P6 P15
Disk Size 32 GB 64 GB 256 GB
Price per month ¥ 47.53 ¥ 91.9 ¥ 254.86
IOPS per Page Blob 120 240 1,100
Throughput per Page Blob 25 MB/second 50 MB/second 125 MB/second

The pricing of screenshots is charged at the rate of ¥ 2.35/GB per month.

Standard Page Blob prices

Standard Disks employ a hard disk drive (HDD)-based storage medium. They are most suitable for development/testing not sensitive to performance changes and other non-frequent access workloads.

Standard unmanaged disk storage charges for stored data size (GB) , quantity of transactions and data transfer .

*The following prices are tax-inclusive.

Local Redundant Storage (LRS) Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) Read/Access Geo-Redundant Storage (RA-GRS)
¥ 0.595296/GB ¥ 0.793728/GB ¥ 0.99216/GB
Local Redundant Storage (LRS) Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) Read/Access Geo-Redundant Storage (RA-GRS)
¥ 0.45792/GB ¥ 0.61056/GB ¥ 0.7632/GB
Local Redundant Storage (LRS) Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) Read/Access Geo-Redundant Storage (RA-GRS)
¥ 0.275/GB ¥ 0.55/GB ¥ 0.66/GB

Operations prices for Page Blobs used as Unmanaged Disks

We charge per 10,000 transactions for Standard Page Blobs attached to VM and used as Unmanaged Disks. Any type of operation against against Unmanaged Disks is counted as a transaction including reads, writes, and deletes.

Per 10,000 transactions ¥0.006614
Per 10,000 transactions ¥0.005088
Per 10,000 transactions ¥0.0037

Operations prices for Page Blobs (Non-disks)

If the transactions of Page Blob are not performed by Virtual Machines, billing is done by the transaction. For every transaction, a single operation shall be considered as write, read or delete for billing. If the size of the read or write is more than 64 KB, an extra read/write (IO) expense will be charged for every excess of 64 KB, and up to 15 IO are charged per transaction. If the size of a transaction is more than 1 MB [64 KB x (1 transaction + 15 IOs)], other IOs are not charged, irrespective of the size of transactions.

*The following prices are tax-inclusive.

Local Redundant Storage (LRS) Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) Read/Access Geo-Redundant Storage (RA-GRS)
Writes 1 (per 10,000 counted) ¥0.019843 ¥0.396864 ¥0.396864
Write extra IO units (per 10,000 counted) ¥0.030823 ¥0.061646 ¥0.061646
Read 2 (per 10,000 counted) ¥0.019843 ¥0.019843 ¥0.019843
Read extra IO units (per 10,000 counted) ¥0.002249 ¥0.002249 ¥0.002249
Delete Free Free Free
Local Redundant Storage (LRS) Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) Read/Access Geo-Redundant Storage (RA-GRS)
Writes 1 (per 10,000 counted) ¥0.015264 ¥0.30528 ¥0.30528
Write extra IO units (per 10,000 counted) ¥0.02371 ¥0.04742 ¥0.04742
Read 2 (per 10,000 counted) ¥0.015264 ¥0.015264 ¥0.015264
Read extra IO units (per 10,000 counted) ¥0.00173 ¥0.00173 ¥0.00173
Delete Free Free Free
Local Redundant Storage (LRS) Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) Read/Access Geo-Redundant Storage (RA-GRS)
Writes 1 (per 10,000 counted) ¥ 0.0044 ¥ 0.0044 ¥ 0.0044
Write extra IO units (per 10,000 counted) Free Free Free
Read 2 (per 10,000 counted) ¥ 0.0044 ¥ 0.0044 ¥ 0.0044
Read extra IO units (per 10,000 counted) Free Free Free
Delete ¥ 0.0044 ¥ 0.0044 ¥ 0.0044
1 The following API calls are considered to be write options: AbortCopyBlob, AppendBlock, BreakBlobLease, BreakContainerLease, ChangeBlobLease, ChangeContainerLease, CopyBlob, CreateContainer, IncrementalCopyBlob, PutBlob, PutGeoMessage, PutGeoRepairMessageMeasurementEvent, PutGeoVerificationMessageMeasurementEvent, PutPage, SetBlobMetadata, SetBlobProperties, SetBlobServiceProperties, SetContainerACL, SetContainerMetadata, SnapshotBlob and UndeleteBlob.

2 The following API calls are considered to be read operations: AcquireBlobLease, AcquireContainerLease, BlobPreflightRequest, GeoBootstrap, GetBlob, GetBlobLeaseInfo, GetBlobMetadata, GetBlobProperties, GetBlobServiceProperties, GetBlobServiceStats, GetBlockList, GetContainerACL, GetContainerMetadata, GetContainerProperties, GetCopyInformation, GetEncryptionKey, GetPageRegions, ReleaseBlobLease, ReleaseContainerLease, RenewBlobLease and RenewContainerLease.


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Support & SLA

If you have any questions or need help, please visit Azure Support and select self-help service or any other method to contact us for support.

We guarantee that we can successfully process data reading requests from an offsite redundant storage (RA-GRS) account at least 99.99% of the time (99.9% for the Cold Access Layer), provided that we will retry in the secondary zone from the data writing failure from the primary zone.

We guarantee that we can successfully process data reading from local redundant storage (LRS) and offsite redundant storage (GRS) accounts at least 99.9% of the time (99% for the Cold Access Layer)

We guarantee that we can successfully process data writing requests into onsite redundant storage (LRS) and geo-redundant storage (GRS) accounts and read and access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS) accounts at least 99.9% of the time (99% for the Cold Access Layer).

To learn more about the details of our Service Level Agreement, please visit the Service Level Agreements page.

The Managed Disk itself doesn’t provide a Service Level Agreement with financial support. The availability of a Managed Disk depends on the Service Level Agreement governing the basic storage used and the Virtual Machine it’s attached to. To learn more about the details of the Service Level Agreement of the Managed Disk, please visit the Managed Disk Service Level Agreements page.