API Management

Publish APIs to developers, partners, and employees securely and at scale

Azure API Management allows organizations to publish APIs more securely, reliably, and at scale. Use API Management to enable internal teams, partners, and developers to use APIs while benefiting from the business and log analytics provided by the admin portal. This service helps provide the tools your organization needs for end-to-end API management – everything from provisioning user roles, creating usage plans and quotas, and applying policies for transforming payloads, to throttling, analytics, monitoring, and alerts.

Pricing Details

API Management

*The following prices are tax-inclusive.

*Monthly pricing estimates are based on 744 hours of usage per month.

Developer Basic Standard Premium
Purpose Non-production use cases and evaluations Entry-level production use cases Medium-volume production use cases High-volume or Enterprise production use cases
Price (per unit) ¥0.5022/hour (about ¥373.6368/month) ¥1.5386/hour (about ¥1,144.7184/month) ¥7.1794/hour (about ¥5,341.4736/month) ¥29.2229/hour (about ¥21,741.8376/month)
Unit cost of incremental units (>1)
charged at 50% of the first unit purchased
Cache (per unit) 10 MB 50 MB 1 GB 5 GB
Scale-out (units) 1 2 4 10 per region (call support to add more)
SLA No 99.9% 99.9% 99.95% 1
Usage limits No No No No
Cache, external 6 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Developer portal Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiple custom domain names 5 Yes No No Yes
Azure Active Directory integration Yes No Yes Yes
Virtual Network support Yes No No Yes
Multi-region deployment No No No Yes
Self-hosted gateway Yes 3 No No Yes 4
Workspaces gateway No No No Yes
Estimated maximum throughput 2 (per unit) 500 requests/second 1,000 requests/second 2,500 requests/second 4,000 requests/second
Developer Basic Standard
Purpose Non-production use cases and evaluations Entry-level production use cases Medium-volume production use cases
Price (per unit) ¥0.5022/hour (about ¥373.6368/month) ¥1.5386/hour (about ¥1,144.7184/month) ¥7.1794/hour (about ¥5,341.4736/month)
Cache (per unit) 10 MB 50 MB 1 GB
Scale-out (units) 1 2 4
SLA No 99.9% 99.9%
Usage limits No No No
Cache, external 6 Yes Yes Yes
Developer portal Yes Yes Yes
Multiple custom domain names 5 Yes No No
Azure Active Directory integration Yes No Yes
Virtual Network support Yes No No
Multi-region deployment No No No
Self-hosted gateway Yes 3 No No
Estimated maximum throughput 2 (per unit) 500 requests/second 1,000 requests/second 2,500 requests/second

1 Requires deployment of at least one unit in two or more regions.

2 Throughput figures are presented for information only and must not be relied upon for capacity and budget planning. Load test reflecting anticipated production conditions must be conducted to determine expected throughput accurately.

3 In the Developer tier, the self-hosted gateway feature is available at no additional cost. The number of gateway deployments is not limited, but each deployment is limited to a single gateway replica (instance).

4 In the Premium tier, the self-hosted gateway feature is available at an additional cost (see below). The number of gateway replicas (instances) in each deployment is not limited.

5 Available for gateway only. Limit of 20 domain names per instance. Call Support to add more.

6 Bring your own Redis-compatible cache, e.g. Azure Redis Cache.


The gateway resource ensures runtime isolation and supports hybrid and multi-cloud API deployments. Learn more about gateways.

Workspace gateway premium Self-hosted gateway
Purpose Use as a managed data plane for workspaces in the Premium tier. Use as a self-hosted data plane for APIs deployed on premises or in other private and public clouds.
Price ¥ 12,235.08 per month per gateway unit ¥ 2,060.88 per month per gateway deployment 1
Workspaces ¥647.28 for 5 workspaces per month2 N/A

1 Developer tier deployments are free of charge.

2 The first five workspaces are included at no additional cost.


Expand All
  • What is the purpose of the Developer tier?

    The Developer tier is suitable for API Management trial, development, and functional testing. Customers should not use this tier for production.

  • Can I deploy the API Management proxy on-premises in my own data center?

    No. There is no on-premises deployment option available at this time, but you can vote on UserVoice if you’d like this capability. However, you can certainly use Azure-based API management with on-premises systems and data.

  • What is a “unit” and how can I scale my service?

    Customers can scale API Management by adding and removing units. Each unit has capacity that depends on its tier. For example, the standard tier includes a throughput of 200 million API calls per month, 1 TB of bandwidth per month, and approximately 1,000 requests per second. As you add additional units, capacity scales proportionally. For example, two standard units provide 400 million API calls per month, 2 TB of bandwidth, and approximately 2,000 requests per second.

  • What is a “gateway deployment”?

    All nodes within the gateway deployment share the location properties and configuration, for example, the custom domain name(s) and assigned APIs. Each gateway deployment corresponds to a gateway resource that can be created either via the Azure portal on the Gateways blade inside an API Management service or programmatically via management API.

Support & SLA

If you have any questions or need help, please visit Azure Support and select self-help service or any other method to contact us for support.

We guarantee that API Management Service instances running in the Basic, Standard and Premium tiers will respond to requests to perform operations at least 99.9% of the time.No SLA is provided for the Developer tier of the API Management Service. If you want to learn more about the details of our server level agreement, please visit the Service Level Agreement page.